Family Ties

Supporting Mother-Child Bonds

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A group of over two dozen family members with a mother or loved one incarcerated at Albion Correctional Facility recently joined with 10 Osborne staff members and volunteers for an evening of activities (pictured here) and a daylong visit to the facility. The visit marked the graduation of a group of eight women from Osborne’s 13-week parenting course Family Ties, which is offered at Albion – located west of Rochester – throughout the year.

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I email her every day and we just talk about life. I made sure to tell her everything she didn’t know. The visit was great. Everything was perfect. Truly amazing.

Jason Mojica
Family member

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I feel very happy to have been a part of this. I love what Osborne does and what it stands for.

David Goldberg
Board member and volunteer

Osborne offers parenting education, video visiting, and support for the mother-child bond that extends into the community through reentry programming, referrals to housing and services, activities for children, and groups for mothers to connect with and support one another. We provide these services to strengthen the ties between incarcerated women and their children, and to support efforts of women in prisons and jails to be the mothers they wish to be.

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The visit was heartfelt. I told her everything I needed to. Everything I do makes her proud.

Stephanie Rosario
Family member

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It was great to see the moms spend time with their kids. And Diana Archer is amazing, and a wonderful Osborne staffer.

Jon Monsalve
Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

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All photos by Jackie McGriff, a Rochester-based photographer.