Jail-Based Services

Osborne provides people in the custody of the New York City Department of Correction, including on Rikers Island, with workshops, training programs, and individual guidance aimed at preparing them to lead stable, secure lives after they return home. We offer classes on more than a dozen subjects, including cognitive behavioral therapy, anger management, relapse prevention, employment readiness, parenting education, financial literacy, computer skills, communication, healthy relationships, nonviolent conflict resolution, and mindfulness.

We also work with individuals to develop discharge plans to meet their needs for housing, health care, treatment for mental health or substance use, family services, training, employment, documentation, and public benefits. Specialized staff address the needs of mothers and older adults on Rikers Island.

For people detained at Rikers Island on technical parole violations, we offer mitigation and release planning with the aim of restoring them to parole supervision in the community as quickly and safely as possible, reducing the impact on their lives, families and community, and saving public resources spent on detaining them.

With all of our Rikers Island participants, we help them prepare for discharge and connect them to community services upon their release, typically driving them directly from jail to our offices or other agencies that will be supporting them.

People Served

Justice-Involved Person






NYC Reentry Hotline 1-833-672-3733

Program Locations

NYC Jails