Jail Reentry Services

Once people leave jail, Osborne’s support shifts seamlessly to the training, counseling, resources, and opportunities that our participants can use to build secure lives for themselves and their families. Our reentry services begin immediately upon release, typically with Osborne staff driving a participant from jail to our offices. We ensure their emergency needs are met, set them up with clothing, toiletries, food, MetroCards, mental health treatment, and substance use treatment, and get them into safe housing.

Over the months that follow, Osborne partners with reentering individuals to make their discharge plans a reality. We help participants earn high school equivalency degrees and meet their goals for further education. Through special collaborations, we work with other community partners that provide transitional employment, training and job placement in human services, security, and construction. Osborne’s Career Center offers additional opportunities for job training, placement, and support. Participants may also benefit from Osborne’s family programs and treatment services.

Osborne never closes its doors to participants. We are there as a resource and a guide, particularly through the peer support and the service and leadership opportunities offered by our active alumni association.

People Served

Justice-Involved Person






NYC Reentry Hotline 1-833-672-3733

Program Locations

809 Westchester Ave
Bronx, NY 10455
175 Remsen Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201