Young Adult Mentoring

Osborne promotes positive youth development through mentoring, cognitive behavioral intervention, instruction, internships and employment, civic engagement opportunities, and supportive communities of their peers. The programs serve youth who are on probation, formerly incarcerated, living at high risk of criminal justice system involvement, or grappling with the impact of a parent’s incarceration.

In the Bronx, we offer the following for youth ages 16 to 24:

  • NeON Works: For young people, including those on probation, who are motivated to work toward educational and career goals. Neighborhood Opportunity Network (NeON) Works also provides financial literacy workshops, career exploration events, and community benefit projects that are open to all interested Bronx residents.

Citywide, Osborne’s Youth Action Council provides civic engagement and advocacy training and opportunities to young people ages 15 to 18 who have currently or recently incarcerated parents. The young people may reside anywhere in New York City.

Program graduates are invited to move on to Osborne’s alumni groups:

  • The Youth Alumni Association: Open to young adults completing any Osborne program, citywide. Alumni have access to training in the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) and paid employment as AVP workshop facilitators.
  • Aluminaries: Open to young adults completing an Arches program anywhere in the Bronx. The program offers ongoing mentoring, peer groups, and support.
People Served

Justice-Involved Persons, Children of Incarcerated Parents





Program Locations

809 Westchester Ave
Bronx, NY 10455
175 Remsen Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201